Mini Vacation

Mr. SP and I are off to Williamsburg for two days. We’re going to Busch Gardens the first day and shopping the next. I haven’t been to Williamsburg in a little over a year. The last time I was there, I was with a bunch of girlfriends and we had the best time. Roller coasters….Here…

Birthday Number 39

Next year will be the big 4-0!! Wow! It was a good day for a birthday. The weather was perfect and it was a holiday so Mr. SP and I were off from work. We started the day with a race. Look at my number!! It’s a good thing I’m not superstitious! I spent the…

Memorial Day Weekend

It’s only Sunday morning and I’m happy to report that this weekend has been wonderful. The sky has been sunny, the temperature has been warm, and the humidity has been low. I went for a run by myself on Friday. It felt good to run again after several days of tennis and other commitments. While…

SL@H Hurricanes

I love these! For winter they held layers of Hemlock cones and some sweet smelling pods that I bought at Buffalo Spring Herb Farm. For spring they had small eggs that were brown, dark green, or light green. One year for Easter they held jellybeans. Last summer they held sea glass. In the fall I’ve…


NINE more days of school! I can’t wait to get out and have some time to do exactly what I want to do. Mr. SP and I looked at the calendar last night and realized that we might not have time to take a vacation. That is SO depressing. We are going to the beach…

Snowball Bush

This is one of my favorite spring blooming bushes. I don’t have one and I really would like to get one started in my yard. Mama says that small ones come up around hers (suckers?) and that I can dig up one of those. Here’s Mama’s Snowball bush blooming on Mother’s day:


Horses consumed my life from 4th grade until I went to college. I lived and breathed horses. The smell of a stable still is one of the best things in the world to me. My horse died while I was in college and that, along with having a waitressing job instead of a stable job,…


The Iris are in full bloom around here! I just wish that they would last a little longer. I love them! I love this light purple one. I think that it came from a friend at school’s house by way of Giles County, VA. You’ve got to love good old southern pass-along plants. This one…


A Great Saturday

Today was full of activity. This morning I ran with my running buddy and then went to a tennis clinic. After the tennis clinic, Mr. SP and I played 3 sets of singles. He beat the pants off of me, but it was good practice. In the afternoon, I went to a show in a…