Happy Thanksgiving

Have a wonderful day celebrating with those you love.  We will be spending the day at my Mom’s farm.  This will be our last Thanksgiving on the farm as next year Mama will be living on Walnut Avenue.  Speaking of Walnut Avenue, Mama and I will work on the house tomorrow. I have so much…

Bittersweet Tradition

I’m not talking about a tradition that is bittersweet, I’m talking about the plant, Bittersweet.  Bittersweet is a weed around here and if you are a farmer, you hate it.  It twines around fences, grows ups trees, and is difficult to get rid of.  If you like to decorate like me, you love it!  I…

Cancer Ball 2009

This past Friday night we attended a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society.  I lost my dad to cancer in 1997 and like to support this charity when I can.  Supporting a charity, dressing up, dining and dancing – you can’t go wrong with that! Many of my buddies from tennis attended.  Becky (in the…

Burlap Pillow

The words burlap and pillow should never be used together.  Especially if you use the kind of burlap that I used.  Talk about scratchy!  This pillow will definitely be a “look at me” only pillow. I’ve been “itching” to do another burlap project since I made my table runner.  I had just enough burlap in…

Thanksgiving Mantel

Halloween things were packed away today and out came the turkeys.  I love collecting turkeys, especially turkey platters and antique turkey candles.  I spent a little time today changing my mantel to a Thanksgiving theme. September: November: I found these three antique candles in a shop in Roanoke. These turkey candles were made locally.  I…

Chili Cook Off

Mr. SP, Elsie, and I headed over the mountain Saturday afternoon to the quiet hamlet of Sedalia for an annual chili cook off competition.  Groups and businesses from all around start cooking in the wee hours of the morning to get their chili ready for the big competition.  Each competitor offers a small portion in…

Happy Halloween!

Have a great Halloween!  I hope that everyone has some fun activities planned.  This weekend has been a blast for us, so far.  Last night we went to a giant field party with a bonfire, band, hay rides, pony rides, and yummy food.  The roasted oysters were my favorite!  I danced until late in the…

Spirit Letters

I read about Spirit Letters in a Virginia Tech magazine and thought the idea was too cute not to share.  Spirit Letters makes wreaths for you favorite college team. Go VT! University of Tennessee Appalachian State University   Wake Forest UNC North Carolina State University Duke They also make traditional greetings.   You can also…