How to Make Pumpkins and Gourds Shine for Display
Have you ever wondered how to make pumpkins and gourds shine for display?
It’s super easy and not only will your pumpkins and gourds shine, but they also will also last longer.

Nothing says fall like a bowl full of gourds. Each year I look forward to buying gourds and enjoying them through Thanksgiving.
Gourds are pretty on their own, but even prettier with a subtle shine. A friend taught me how to make gourds shine many years ago and I’ve used her technique ever since.
This technique also works on pumpkins. So if you’ve been wondering how to make pumpkins look shiny, keep reading!
How to Make Gourds Shine
Buy some gourds and pumpkins and get ready to make them shine!
- Tub or sink to wash gourds
- Dish Soap
- Floor Finish – I use Future which is no longer available. This brand is available as is this one and this one.
- Small disposable cup
- Foam Brush
How to Polish Gourds Instructions
The first step is to purchase a bottle of floor finish. My bottle has been only used only for gourds and has lasted over ten years.
Pour a small amount of the floor finish into a disposable cup.
Wash the Gourds
Before waxing, wash the gourds to make sure that all of the soil from the field is gone. I bought mine at our local farmer’s market and they were pretty clean but did have a bit of soil in the crevices.
Some people also recommend adding a tiny bit of bleach to the water to kill bacteria that could cause the gourd to rot.
Rinse the gourds and allow them to completely dry before proceeding to the next step.
Make the Gourds Shine
After the gourds are dry, brush a thin coat of floor finish over the entire surface of each gourd. Use a foam brush and plan on throwing it away when you are finished.
I have the gourd sitting on a towel here, but you’ll want to use waxed paper as the wax is very sticky.
Let the gourds dry. Be sure to turn the gourds over so that the underside can dry, as well.
Display and Enjoy Your Gourds
I like to display gourds on our breakfast table. This is a spot where I see them frequently and can really enjoy them.
I made the Drop Cloth Table Runner a few years ago and have enjoyed using it for several fall seasons.
The wooden bowl that I use was my grandmother’s.
Don’t throw out your gourds at the end of the season. Did you know that you can dry them to use year after year? I have a huge collection of dried gourds that I enjoy using year after year.
I made this wreath using some of my collection.
Have you purchased gourds for decoration? I have but it won’t stop me from buying more!
Very good idea….they look much better after you waxed them and to be honest…I’d have never thought it! I wash and walk away…lol
Great tip, Paula! Can you still purchase Future?? I’ve not been able to find it around here.
WOW I guess I never knew this! Looks alot better! Founds you on the Homework Party!
Wow this looks great. We had gourds from my father in law.
What a great idea, I had no idea you could make gourds shiny! Great for Thanksgiving!
This is a great idea – I wonder if this would keep the squirrels from chewing on them? I might give it a try for my front porch display 🙂
I never would have thought of waxing them either! Great idea!
WOW! Great idea. Thanks for sharing.
Well, I wish I read this about two hours ago, before I took a picture with my dull gourds for my Facebook page. I will have to do this. I didn’t know you could dry them either. Interesting.
Ok, two great tips here! I definitely did not ever think to put wax on them to make them shine. Oh, and so didn’t know you could dry them too. Thanks for sharing.
How do you dry them out? I found a few very unique ones that I just said I would love to keep forever!
I put them on newspaper in our basement after fall is over. The key is to have a dry environment and our basement is dry since we run a dehumidifier 24/7.
What a super cool idea Paula! Thanks so much for sharing 🙂
OMGoodness I would nevr have thought of this! Thanks.
Stopping by from throwback thurs, that is so cool! I love the look of how shiny they are! I had heard wax also helps to preserve them and was going o give mine a shot!
Great tip! I especially love the frugal info about saving gourds for future use, like the wonderful wreath you made!
I never would have thought of shinny gourds, they are beautiful…such a great tip! I love your wreath, so original and the gourds along with your choice of fabric makes for such a pretty one!
Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!!!
You are so clever. Never would have thought of this. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty
Great idea! Thanks for sharing it.
Goodness! I have never heard of this! I will be trying both the waxing and the drying. Thanks for sharing this!
Definitely try this! It works like a charm and I now have a giant tote filled with dried gourds that I can use for years to come.
What an amazing tip! You come up with such great ideas!
Thank you so much, Melba!
So good … I always wondered what made other peoples pumpkins and gourds shine. Pinned to my How To board … and now I have some work to do!!! xo
Thank you so much, Juliet! Rubbing them with olive oil also works.
What a great idea!. I remember that kind of floor finishes! I was a Mop and Glo kinda girl 🙂 Pinned!
Thank you so much, Cindy! I am glad that I no longer have a floor that needs a product like Mop and Glo.
I love this for it won’t hurt the seeds, and I intend to save the seeds for my garden. Future is the best wax too for my floors …HA! will be doing this for mine need to last a long time too.
Thank you so much, Alda! I have never tried to grow gourds and I think next year I will.
Woe this is a great idea. Quick too. I never heard of this before to make them shiny.
Thank you so much, Cindy!
Floor shine – brilliant!
Thank you so much, Rachelle!